Según el artículo de A.P.A. van Montfoortpublicado en Human Reproduction Update el 19/01/2012 y divulgado en OKILAB
Assisted reproduction treatment and epigenetic inheritance
The subject of epigenetic risk of assisted reproduction treatment (ART), initiated by reports on an increase of children with the Beckwith–Wiedemann imprinting disorder, is very topical. Hence, there is a growing literature, including mouse studies.
In order to gain information on transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and epigenetic effects induced by ART, literature databases were searched for papers on this topic using relevant keywords.
At the level of genomic imprinting involving CpG methylation, ART-induced epigenetic defects are convincingly observed in mice, especially for placenta, and seem more frequent than in humans. Data generally provide a warning as to the use of ovulation induction and in vitro culture. In human sperm from compromised spermatogenesis, sequence-specific DNA hypomethylation is observed repeatedly. Transmittance of sperm and oocyte DNA methylation defects is possible but, as deduced from the limited data available, largely prevented by selection of gametes for ART and/or non-viability of the resulting embryos. Some evidence indicates that subfertility itself is a risk factor for imprinting diseases. As in mouse, physiological effects from ART are observed in humans.
In the human, indications for a broader target for changes in CpG methylation than imprinted DNA sequences alone have been found. In the mouse, a broader range of CpG sequences has not yet been studied. Also, a multigeneration study of systematic ART on epigenetic parameters is lacking.
The field of epigenetic inheritance within the lifespan of an individual and between generations (via mitosis and meiosis, respectively) is growing, driven by the expansion of chromatin research. ART can induce epigenetic variation that might be transmitted to the next generation.
Chronology of mouse germ cell development and the main epigenetic events that occur. PGCs first emerge at embryonic Day 7.25 (E7.25) after which they migrate to the gonad where they enter the process of sex differentiation and eventually develop into full-grown gametes. Green bars indicate the developmental stage and yellow bars indicate the epigenetic processes occurring at these points in the germ line. MSCI stands for meiotic sex chromosome inactivation. Figure from Sasaki and Matsui (2008).