According to the article of Ethics Committee ESHRE published in ESHRE the 03 / 07 / 2020 and disclosed in #OKILAB
The Ethics of Preconception Expanded Carrier Screening in Applicants of Medically Assisted Reproduction
The ESHRE Ethics Committee Writing Group has finalized the draft of a paper entitled: «The Ethics of Preconception Expanded Carrier Screening in Applicants of Medically Assisted Reproduction«
The paper reflects on and provides ethical guidance for a responsible implementation of ECS to MAR applicants. The question to be addressed is:
Is the offer of ECS to all MAR-applicants using their own gametes proportionate, that is to say: do the possible benefits of such screening clearly outweigh the possible harms and disadvantages? If so, for what kinds of disorders and under what conditions?
The paper is now published for stakeholder review and with we would like to invite you to send in your comments.
The writing group will assess all comments and modify the paper where needed before finalizing and publishing it. The draft paper and review form are available on ESHRE web page.
Please e-mail the review form to no later than 17 August 2020.
Thank you for sharing your expertise,
The ESHRE Ethics Committee